Apr 30 - May 1 2024 |
Section 9 of my north Vietnam journey, heading south at this point. Once again, this was one of the better rides I had, and I just learned that I travelled via Khau Pha Pass, a famous mountain pass (whereas I was thinking it was "just another road in Vietnam").
Departing Mu Cang Chai
After a night in Mu Cang Chai town (could/should have stayed longer), I rode through the heart of Mu Cang Chai district, noted for it's rice terraces, a renowned tourist destination and rider nirvana.
Rice terraces south of Mu Cang Chsai town
Next up you enter the Khau Pha Pass, completely different mountain terrain, apparently a noted stretch of road.
Some of the amazing views along the Khau Pha Pass
Dropping back down from the mountain pass, you get some great views of the valley below, back into rice fields. And the area features the usual friendly folks...
Closer to Phu Yen
Phu Yen
The overnight stop here was purely functional - I didn't know anything about the place, nor is it "on the map" as a tourist destination. That said, these kind of places are often the most memorable. While my exploration was limited, it seemed like a decent town. The place I stayed, Hai Anh Hotel, was the nicest of all in my Vietnam trip, new and very Holiday Inn-ish. I ate dinner at a beer hall, where they served me massive plates of food, enough for 4-5 people - cost $3. I also came across "Vinegar Light" beer. Not sure if it includes actual vinegar, or if is just on of the Asia branding anomolies. I didn't see another tourist. Lastly, the temperature was 40c when I arived - like a furnace - 13c above normal.
Ride: 175 km / 5 hrs
Stay: Hai Anh Hotel $17 / *****